15 April 2009

A melting together of thoughts

Here are the thoughts for today

  • After 11 months of planning a weekly game, I am officially out of ideas. Games are not my strong suit, and they are not the things that most excite me about ministry
  • I am really looking forward to having more time to read and plan in May. The month should be a great time to get some extra work done that will make the youth ministry here at LCOC much more effective.
  • I think I have an idea for a book, we'll see how the idea progresses.
  • I really want to start taking some classes at Valporaiso U. The thought of being in a classroom filled with people eager to learn excites me.
  • Camp Wilderness is coming this summer, and I am super excited about being the dean. Our theme verse for the week is Psalm 63 (especially verse 1).
  • I feel like I have hit a crucial moment in my spiritual life. It is one of those times that I will either allow myself to settle into a rut spiritually, with no growth for an extended period of time, or God is going to show me a really amazing transformation that I need to make in my life, that will lead to a deeper and more fruitful relationship with Him. Be praying that I take the plunge and go deeper.
  • I have decided that after I finish re-reading the Harry Potter series, I'm going to read a few classic novels in my spare time (Sorry Brian, I didn't want to read any Dekker right now. I will at some point, I promise). Here is my current list of contenders: 1. Moby Dick 2. Ulysses 3. War and Peace 4. The Three Musketeers 5. Raintree County (written about my home county) 6. Dracula
  • Let me know which of those I should start with.
  • I have begun doing an extensive amount of reading on marriage from a biblical perspective. It is a really great topic, but it also challenges me to be a more God glorifying husband.
  • I'm really into history at the moment. I can't decide which era I want to take the time to study the most right now. Medieval or ancient.
  • I love puppies. They just create a warmth in my heart.
  • I'm done with this now, and I'm going home.


Nathan Shedd said...

Raintree county

Do you remember watching that movie in high school? I actually found it fascinating but don't tell anyone I said that...oh,and, everyone's tuxes are officially ordered...I'm not going to lie, they're pretty sweet

Brother said...

Yea, I remember the movie. The sad thing is that no library within 20 minutes drive has the book. I would have to drive up to the big library in the center of the county to check it out.

I think I want to go with Moby Dick anyway though.

B. D. Goad said...

You should read Crime and Punishment. And I'd like to get to reading Les Miserables sometime. That and A Tale of Two Cities.