15 October 2009

Thoughts in a fairly random mode

So, here are some things that are on my mind:

1. The phrase "the last days." This phrase can cause a lot of trouble for interpreters. I am becoming more convinced as a think about it, that this phrase cannot be interpreted in the same way from book to book in the Bible. Look at these passages and tell me that they all refer to the same thing when discussing "last days." (Micah 4:1-5; Isaiah 2:1-5; Hosea 3; Acts 2:17; 2 Timothy 3:1; Hebrews 1:1-2)

2. I hate when my computer has installed updates and wants to restart while I'm working on things. It just messes with my thought process.

3. I am excited about the books that I'm hoping to read in the next year. They should provide insight into a couple topics that I'm really wanting the study: pneumatology and eschatology.

4. John 11-12 is the definite turning point of John's gospel, but the most challenging passage for me is still chapter 13. The footwashing and the teaching is a challenge to apply. Especially this line, "He who has bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely clean; and you are clean, but not all of you."

5. I predict the Colts first loss will be @ Baltimore in week 11. They are really capable of winning all of their games, but they have to lose somewhere I think.

6. For anyone interested, here is the list of topics and books that we wills study in Sunday School in 2010: Salvation, 1 Thessalonians, Marriage and Purity, 1 Peter, Ezekiel, Judges, and Mark.

7. The Office is on tonight--and that is good stuff!

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